Search A Light In The Darkness
Finding The True Path
The spiritual seeker makes a series of steps before he/she even sets foot on his/her spiritual path back to Oneness with the universe. Obviously they must first realise that there is a need to change, and a need to break free from old programming and behaviour patterns. Next, there is a need for the realisation that change can take place, regardless of how difficult or impossible it may seem. He/she must realise they have freewill, and are only a slave to their programming and selfish desires so long as they allow themselves to be. Once a person gets to this point, they then must decide how and when they are going to go about changing. They must choose their path and choose to stop walking their old path in order to start upon the new one. This process involves taking responsibility. Taking real responsibility. Responsibility for their own life, for their own life direction, for a new life, and even more importantly, the ultimate responsibility, serving the Creator and flowing with the Universal Will. (Jon Peniel)