I await another 'stunning' news story again. There is real reinforcement & almost desperation with this headline. The Pied Piper is determined to get the observer's attention with this news story. It is not suffice to release the 'possibility' of Madeleine McCann being seen in Belgium, now it is almost being forced upon us. Remember Malta? This has a seemingly similar pattern to sightings there. Could this be the closure which has been anticipated around this time? Remember this storyline has hit the tabloids exactly three months after Madeleine disappeared .
Reading between the lines here, maybe there IS a strong reinforcement to let it be known that Madeleine is indeed alive. If this proves not to be a lookalike ... might it be possible Madeleine McCann was there in Belgium deliberately placed 'to be seen' in a cafe two minutes from a Police station; taken there in a staged event to put out the message that 'Madeleine McCann IS still alive' ... remember it took the Police thirty minutes to arrive on the scene which is more than sufficent time for Madeleine, or the 'lookalike', to be whisked away once more ... 'mission accomplished' with a further headline news story to keep the situation very much alive ... even though this should be considered a 'conspiracy theory' it does make perfect sense. But, for this to be the case, Madeleine would have to have been transported from the 'hidden location' in 'The Iberian Peninsula' to Belgium specifically for this staged event. Perhaps as a 'two-edged sword' perhaps. One to avert attention away from Portugal and two as an affirmed recent sighting to prove she is still alive.
If, however, it is proven via the 'much awaited' DNA sample, that the little girl was not Madeleine at all, what then was the point to it all? Surely then it is a 'dismissed lookalike sighting' on file dismissed by higher echelons as an actual sighting but passed on to the Pied Piper to be used as a diversionary wild goose ... and to keep the situation very much alive.
The two minutes away from the Police station is a key factor here. Why would the 'abductors' of the world's most famous missing child deliberately sit outside a cafe in a public place so close to local law enforcement? That is the one fact of the sighting which arouses the most suspicion. Unless it was staged deliberately, knowing full well that a credible witness could be found to report that Madeleine McCann was there outside a cafe in Belgium. Second to this, there has been no mention that the 'striking resemblance' of the lookalike includes the same distinctive pattern of the eye as Madeleine McCann.
Thus, I await the appearance of this news story on the web site with much anticipation.