The eye-witness - a children's therapist - told police a child like the British girl was with an English-speaking woman and a Dutch man. The man was described as white, 5ft 10ins tall, aged about 40, with dark hair, large eyes and protruding teeth and several days' growth of stubble. The woman was described as aged around 25 with tanned skin and and brown hair and of Mediterranean appearance.
A police spokesman said: "The woman told us the little girl bore a striking resemblance to Madeleine McCann and was behaving nervously. She said she got up to call us as soon as she saw the girl, but when she returned to her table all three of them got into a car and left.
"The woman is a credible witness and we are taking the sighting very seriously."
Police released an identikit picture of the couple and a description of the four-door Volvo they were driving. The Volvo was a recent model with a Belgian number plate beginning with the letters VUV, police said.
**Update 9:30am**
Nine of Staves - 'obstacles that can be overcome'Six of Crescents - 'channelled thoughts'
Two of Weapons - 'disagreements';
First impressions were the image of 'a spanner in the works'; a distracting part of the fox's dance. Something to get the observer's attention away from a current situation. This prompted me to 'consult' the Servants of the Light (tarot). The above images were the result.
It seems diversionary in its appearance. As always in recent times. An obstacle to overcome. Something which conceals the path to the true prize. An attempt perhaps to channel the observers thoughts into the required channels ... ways of thinking like 'she's with pedophiles in Belguim' perhaps or 'she's been in Belgium after all'? Conditioning our way of thinking to affect our perceptions; this report seems convinving after all? 'Credible witness'? 'She called out Madeleine and the girl turned and looked?' 'Striking resemblance to Madeleine' .. but NO mention of the distinctive eye. I intuit this is perhaps not that valid after all. A lookalike could so easily have been placed there to be sighted ... a series of sightings maybe to distract and deceive. I sense it wasn't Maddy there at all. It seems a way to keep interest in the situation; a new twist and a new direction for media coverage to follow. The bandwagon will now turn its attention to the shady rings in Belgium. Avert suspicion to there and keep alive the 'predator' theory on the surface.