[David Icke]: Over the past 8,000 years or so, this planet has been managed by a
bloodline-obsessed oligarchy consisting of just a few families. Though
their methodologies of exploitation have evolved, their quest for total
control over the planet’s resources and people has never waivered. In
the past forty years, utilizing the twin scourges of globalization and
technology, the power of these ancient feudalists has concentrated like
never before.
If the Sumerian clay tablets are correct, around 6,000 BC
hunting and gathering cultures in Mesopotamia were forced into
agriculture by Annunaki “gods” from whence these feudalists derive their
lineage. For at least a hundred thousand years before that, humans
lived in egalitarian tribes, worked around eight hours a week to sustain
their simple lives, moved semi-nomadically with the animals and the
seasons, and rarely engaged in warfare with neighboring tribes.
With the forced advent of agriculture, humanity was pushed out
of its Garden of Eden. With it came surpluses and shortages, the
commodification of land, resources and even women. A class system arose
beneath a new banker elite, who enjoyed the fruits of the farmers’ toil
from their new city states of Babylon and Ur. These lazy idle rich were
those of the invader bloodlines. Their hands never got dirty, but were
instead soaked in the blood of anyone who challenged their
self-proclaimed status as feudal lords.
As the bloodlines migrated into southern Europe, they developed a large
navy which they used to sail the world in search of other hunting and
gathering tribes they could plunder. Their wealth amassed quickly from
this piracy and the Roman Empire was established.
Run out of Rome by the Catholic church these parasite bankers
moved into the seafaring city of Venice, where they began to fund a
series of wars throughout the Middle East and Europe, often sinking both
sides into debt which would then be used to seize real assets. Nation
states developed, mostly as a means for the feudalists to divide
populations and plunder their tax revenues.
It was these Black Venetian bloodline banking families who signed the 11th Century Magna Carta agreement,
establishing their City of London geopolitical power center and later
their Banks of International Settlements stolen wealth repository in
Their Dutch East India and East India Company tentacles
established slavery and continued to loot their increasingly global
agricultural plantation, while leaving producers in Indonesia, Brazil
and Ghana destitute.
In Europe they launched their Industrial Revolution, whereby
disenfranchised peasant sharecroppers were pushed off their land into
factories owned by the bloodlines. Those same bloodlines then took title
to the peasant’s lands. All of this was done under the banner of
With factory production came the need to create a new cult of
materialism. Humanity was now told to settle into a sedentary existence,
work long hours in the feudalists’ sweatshops, surround themselves with
status-enhancing possessions made in those factories, and
In the early 1900’s the Rothschild-led Business Roundtable
hatched a plan which would export their banker/factory industrial
enslavement model worldwide. While rural areas of Africa, Asia and Latin
America were left as impoverished agricultural production centers for
the increasingly wealthy European Crown elite, the cities of these
regions fell first under slavery, then under colonialism and finally
under the bloodlines’ IMF/capital flight model, whereby a few local
elites would be cut into the City of London pillage in exchange for
looting the wealth of their home countries.
With the election of Reagan and Thatcher in the early 1980’s
came the next phase of feudal concentration of power. Privatization of
any remaining public utilities and lands became all the rage. A new
political movement of “libertarians” was funded to promote the fascist
ideas of the Austrian school economists who the feudalists put forward.
This is now known as the “alt right”.
Government became a dirty word in a highly successful attempt
to destroy any concept that nation states could retain power in the face
of the mercantilist free for all being prosecuted by the City of London
and their ever-growing corporatocracy.
Production was moved offshore, mostly to China. Capital followed with the advent of the City of London-controlled eurodollar market.
The Bank of England established offshore tax havens where the
bloodlines and their corporate tentacles could hide their wealth.
Democracy was replaced by an ever-concentrating money power in
the hands of those same bloodlines who began humanity’s enslavement in
Sumeria. All major parties came under the control of the feudalists,
allowing for the next phase of control to begin.
Not content with the material possession of the masses, the
fourth industrial revolution has now begun with the very same feudalists
at the helm. It is known as 5G or the Internet of Everything. Driving
the 5G train we find the feudalists’ Crown Agent SERCO.
Under this latest exploitation scheme, the bloodlines seek to expand
beyond producing consumer possessions, to the creation of a global grid
which chiefly seeks the production of a subservient and thus further
“possessed” hive mind, which will willingly trade convenience for
Humanity is to be psychologically transformed via cybernetics
into a collective hive mind cyborg, which will not only accept the
increasingly open bloodline and Luciferian rule of the feudalists, but
will help the Satanists keep their family, friends and neighbors in line whenever necessary.
If we allow this to be implemented, humans as we know them will
cease to exist. Mobility, creativity and empathy with be replaced by a
new electronic feudalism, whereby every individual will construct and
pay for their very own electronic prison.
Those who gleefully fill their Amazon shopping carts, rat out
their radical neighbors and display total subservience to bloodline
fascism will get a high social credit score and the perks that come with
Those who make homemade jam, gather firewood, grow a garden or
question the feudalist model with receive a low social credit score and
will find little inconveniences popping up all around them. Eventually
they will be targeted for extermination by the new Fourth Reich.
In the end we will be told to accept a microchip Mark of the
Beast. Like cattle being branded, we will be forced to either pledge our
total allegiance to the Black Venetians and their Satanic worldview, or
be locked out of the marketplace, unable to buy or sell.
Many will happily accept their RFID tag. A small minority of us
will reject it all and return to the Garden of Eden, hunting and
gathering, navigating the mountains and valleys and searching for other
bands of resisters. In the final analysis, a few will choose Heaven and
many will choose Hell. And all will have to live with their choices...read more>>>...
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