Search A Light In The Darkness

Wednesday 22 August 2007

The Geometry Code

The ancient Hermetic principles were said to be sealed except to those with eyes to see and ears to hear. The above images are based on a book called the Kybalion by the Three Initiates, originally published in 1912, an unassuming work that explains the Seven Natural (or Hermetic) Laws of Truth, attributed to the wisdom of ancient Egypt.

The seven symbols in the image above each represent one of these natural laws, which were stated as: Mentalism, Correspondence, Vibration, Polarity, Rhythm, Cause & Effect, and Generation or Gender. The meaning behind the symbols – the laws involved in every aspect of our lives – is what is most important; the symbols are merely placeholders, just as our physical lives represent the infinite, multidimensional nature of our souls. As magnificent and boggling as our physical bodies and this material Universe appear to be, they are but shadows of the even greater awe-inspiring reality of our meta-personal, holographic, multi-dimensional existence.

These symbols can act as signposts - mirrors of our awareness of interconnectedness - as we explore our own consciousness, recognize the interwoven context of inner and outer worlds, experience the amazingly diverse spectra of life, learn to transcend polarized thinking and feeling by allowing more compassion for ourselves and others, flow more effortlessly with the rhythms that life presents at every turn, become more adept at harnessing the stupendous fractal web of our individual and collective choices, and integrate the balancing lessons that come from grateful acknowledgment of the omnipresent creative wisdom in all life. (Sacred Geometry)