If anyone has any vital information relating to the whereabouts of Ylenia Lenhard please contact the Canton police in Appenzell Innerrhoden on Telephone No: 0041- 71 788 97 00.
Blick online translation: says; 'The past search actions ran unfortunately without result. The whole village Appenzell was searched. Also a blood dog of the canton police course was requested. This indicated a possible trace within the range of the Sitter. Therefore also the Wasserfälle in the accomodation Mettlen and the Sitterufer were searched. The muster divers of the canton police pc. Gallen scanned for their part the Wasserbecken in Mettlen and with the brewery in Appenzell.
The police hopes now for information from the public. Ylenia Lenhard is about 120 cm tall, slim, has blond length hair and blue eyes. She has a silver finger ring on her left index finger. And was also last seen carrying a large violet leather purse. She was wearing a lightviolet T-Shirt, white-orange trousers, a blue oranges child backpack with a beige-pink bear motif and a lilac-colored bicycle helmet. She was carrying a “RAZOR” Kickboard with blue handles.