To the clairvoyant, the aura appears as an egg shaped swirl of light and energy encircling the individual. In the average individual, it is somewhat symmetric in shape, with a constantly changing & swirling colour pattern. It extends anywhere from 10 - 20 inches from the periphery of the physical form; the first inch being translucent with a ‘resonating iridescence’ to its appearance.
The aura reflects certain aspects of the individual; including the general health & vitality of the person - the current health plus the over all conditions; the emotional state of the person; the mental & psychological patterns exhibited by the individual; and also the spiritual nature of the soul and spirit.
Therefore, depending upon these various factors, the aura can be vibrantly expansive & full of the most beautiful pastel shades of colour … or it can be very tightly knit to the body, with a murky and almost threatening appearance to it.
If the individual tends to respond to the higher prompting of the Spirit, the aura will tend to flare outward toward the top, indicating a strong connection with the higher aspects of life. If the person reacts more to the lower nature, the aura will appear to be somewhat bottom heavy, indicating that there is a strong connection to the earthly or lower side of life.
It is important to state that it is not the colors appearing within the aura that reflect the general nature of the soul, but rather the quality and clarity of the colors. Colours have both a positive and a negative aspect to them.
It is always tricky business to offer a categorical analysis of what the various colors within the aura mean; people's feelings and interpretations of what they perceive within the aura vary considerably. However, W.E. Butler summarizes the difficulties in his book How To Read the Aura:
"I have found that almost every person who develops psychic vision tends to have his own individual meaning which he attaches to the colours he sees, and for him these meanings are correct. Another psychic may well have a different set of meanings, and for him these may also be correct.
"The trouble arises when an attempt is made to enforce a system which shall be true to all. It can be done, and in certain occult schools it is done, but it takes a lot of hard work."
There does, however, seem to be consensus of opinion and feeling regarding the major colours within the human aura. Ancient wisdom can be an excellent source of insight here.