The Path of Mem is the first of two paths leading up to Geburah (Mars), the central pillar of the Pillar of Severity, and it is also one of two paths which form that pillar on the Tree of Life. In its role as part of the process of creation , it forms the channel by which the power of Geburah takes shape in the intricate patters of Hod (Mercury) ... in its role as one of the routes of Redemption, it opens up the way by which the intellect can overcome its limitations and become a vehicle for the workings of the will.
Key words: ‘Surrender’, ‘change of viewpoint’. ‘Suspension’, ‘study’, ‘the human form’. A probationary period in the realm of the soul, reflected in the primary colors, red, yellow, and blue, that are predominant.
The Hanged Man hangs from a "T" shape made from tree parts. "T" is Tav (The World) and Tet (Strength)- concepts rendered in a human construction of living parts, like Ets Chaim, the Tree of Life. "Mind" and "Man" share the same Sanskrit root - here we have the "Mind in Suspension." Here, human will surrenders to divine will, represented by the tree/cross.
The Hanged Man shows reflection, among other things. The letter Mem means waters, or oceans. Water was the first mirror - and the mirror gives us pause, forces us to re-evaluate. Inversion is part of a process of mixing; the man, hanging pendulum-like, waits meditatively. It is his only option, being bound by circumstances. His position, Inverted Sulphur is an inverted alchemical glyph for sulphur, the chemical assigned to the Emperor card. His legs, in red, form a 4, number and color of the Emperor. Inverted Sulphur is also a symbol of "Accomplishment of the Great Work-" a successful transformation of lead into gold.
The associated Planet is Neptune, which shapes how a person will identify with their peers, how their spiritual love will develop. Neptune is the higher octave of Venus. Afflictions to Neptune create delusions, obsessions, psychoses, addictions, being an outcast, a two-dimensional person. Troublesome Neptune transits can lend a dreamlike quality to life, lack of focus, confusion and ambiguity. Good transits can be "Dreams Come True," flashes of insight, and inspirational dreams or encounters.