Search A Light In The Darkness

Wednesday 15 November 2006


Matthew James - Reknowned UK Clairvoyant & Medium -
Five cards from the Merlin Tarot deck will be chosen randomly, intuitively & sub-consciously by way of the ancient lost art of foresight. The cards shall be recorded here and then shall be interpreted clairvoyantly. The resultant foresight may be of personal significance
or of a significance much further afield.
FORESIGHT ONE - 15th November 2006
  1. 2 of Serpents (CHOICE)
  2. 4 of Serpents (GENEROSITY)
  3. 2 of Fishes (FREEDOM)
  4. Warrior Of Serpents
  5. 10 of Fishes (Friendship)

Indicates a particularly stressful and emotional time. Nerves are on edge, pushing for a decision to be made urgently. So much risk taking. A feeling of being forced into a corner. Elements of fire and water very predominant here. The need is to slow things right down and consider very option, every move which has to be made. The potential offer by a generous source conflicts with a choice presented by an established friend or from someone where a friendship can flourish. The Warrior indicates a potential swift and sure move. One not to be made lightly. One which comes at a time where stress can cloud the judgement. Careful actions required. A calmness presented by stifling the fire of impatience with the reasoning of careful emotions.Freedom is there for the taking. So close yet so far

In a land where the national colours are predominantly yellow and blue? Or where the two colours oppose each other in a conflict.Know that the house of the serpent is on the move. Opposed by the voice of religion in that land it appears blood shall be shed on the very land. The choice is not one easy to make for both sides appear as generous and as a friend. But the nation must appear to decide.Be warned all is not what is appears. Policies praised by the people do not offer freedom but more oppression and more taxation as control is gained by more illicit means.